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 Hair loss men treatmentI am going to tell you about 12 simple remedies for hair loss in men. You can easily prepare at home to control hair loss and promote hair growth so let's start with the first remedy.

Hair loss men treatment| Hair loss men| Hair loss

  1- Onion juice

  Onion juice has sulfur which is said to prevent thinning and breakage of hair. So, this will ensure thick hair growth.

  The presence of antioxidants in onion juice may help reverse premature graying of hair so a good massage with onion juice can help increase blood circulation thus further helping in hair growth.

  Its antibacterial properties might help keep your scalp free from infections.

Onion juice

How to make onion juice at home

  So, how to make onion juice at home;

     Take one or two onions and peel them. Cut them into pieces and then blend them now. Filter the juice using a muslin cloth will ensure that no onion chunks are left.

   Give your scalp a good massage with onion juice in circular motions and then allow the mixture to rest for about an hour. Now you can rinse it off with a mild shampoo. This method can be used weekly to see effective results.

  2-  Pumpkin seed oil

   The pumpkin seed oil contains a plant sterol called phytosterol which promotes hair growth supposedly phytosterols could block enzymes and hormones in your scalp that cause hair loss.

pumpkin seed oil

How to use pumpkin seed oil

  So, how can we use this pumpkin seed oil? We can use them in one of the following three ways;

 1-  First is pumpkin seed oil supplements. Supplements are available in form of gel-based capsules so one or two capsules following meals can be taken but consult your doctor for proper dosage.

 2-  You may also take one teaspoon or one tablespoon of pumpkin seed oil directly.

 3-  The third method is a topical oil application to prepare the pumpkin seed oil blend some seeds maybe half a cup until they are smooth to the powder you can also add a tablespoon of rosemary powder the rosemary helps stimulate blood circulation to the scalp to this powdered mixture.

  You can choose whichever oil you would like to add to the diffuser. maybe you can add coconut oil now mix it thoroughly and then boil the mixture using a double boiler till the oil from the seeds separates out once the oil separates out strain it using a muslin cloth and let it cool once it is cool you can store it in a container and they can then you can use it to directly apply to your scalp or you may do a warm oil massage once a week

  4- Green tea

  The next is green tea. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and therefore it can do wonders for your hair. It works perfectly well to reduce itchiness and dryness and eliminates all kinds of impurities from your scalp.

green tea

How to use

 So, how to use it first of all you need 2 green tea bags and 2 tablespoons of olive oil boil the water with the green tea bags and keep it aside to cool down. 

 Once cool add olive oil and mix well and apply this liquid to your scalp massage this liquid into your scalp for five to ten minutes and then wrap over your hair with a towel for the next 15 minutes. After that, you can wash off this mixture with normal water.

 5- Aloe Vera

 The vitamins and minerals present in aloe vera help to detoxify the scalp thereby helping you remove impurities and it repairs the scalp reduces dandruff and promotes hair growth.


 In fact, aloe vera nourishes your scalp and softens the texture of your hair 

 How to use aloe vera

 So, how to use aloe vera first of all you need 2 tbsp aloe vera gel and 4-5 drops of tea tree oil now mix aloe vera and tea tree oil together and apply this mixture all over your scalp and massage for four to five minutes now leave it for 10 to After 15 minutes, you can wash it.

 6- Lemon juice 

Lemon juice it is the most effective home remedy for a greasy and oily scalp the acidic nature of lemon helps to remove excess oil or sebum from your hair and oil can also help with dandruff. it also kills bacteria.

Lemon juice

 So, what you need is 2 tablespoons of lemon juice a handful of mint leaves and 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Mash some mint leaves and mix them with lemon and yogurt. 

 Apply this mixture to your scalp and here and let the mixture sit for 15 minutes also you can massage your scalp with this mixture, after that, you can wash it off.

 7-  Egg mask

  Eggs are rich in sulfur phosphorus selenium iodine zinc and protein and they together help promote hair growth.

Egg mask

 How to prepare the mask

 To prepare the mask. In a bowl, separate one egg white and add a teaspoon each of olive oil and honey. now beat this mix to make a paste and apply this paste to your scalp and here from root to tips after 20 minutes you can rinse it with a mild shampoo.

 8- Licorice root 

  Licorice root is an herb that prevents hair loss and damage to the hair.

This shampoo helps to get rid of any dry flakes and provides a soothing sensation for the scalp or dandruff 

Licorice root

 How to use

 You can make a paste by adding a tablespoon of ground licorice root and a quarter teaspoon of saffron to one cup of milk apply this to your scalp and hair length and leave it overnight. The next morning wash your hair you may repeat this procedure twice a week.

 9- Fenugreek seeds

  Fenugreek seeds fenugreek or methi seed is one of the most effective home remedies to stop hair loss it repairs the hair follicles and helps in the regrowth of the hair.

Fenugreek seeds

 Soak some fenugreek seeds overnight in water the next morning grind them to a fine paste and apply to your hair and scalp. After you've applied the paste to your teeth, wait around 30 minutes before rinsing it off. you can cover your scalp using a shower cap to keep it moist after 30 to 40 minutes you can rinse it with normal water. You should be able to control your hair fall by washing your hair twice a week for a month.

 10- Amla

   Amla or Indian gooseberry this is another effective home remedy to stop hair fall one of the causes of hair fall is the deficiency of vitamin c hence consuming


  Amla will strengthen the hair follicles and help you control hair fall it can also be used topically amla helps promote faster growth of hair and maintains a healthy scalp and prevents premature grain.

  How to use

So, to make a topical paste mix some lime juice and amla powder to make a paste and massage it to your scalp and here hair. A shower cap can be used to protect your hair from getting wet. head so that the paste doesn't dry out you can keep it for an hour and then rinse it off with normal water.

 11- Apple cider vinegar 

 Next is apple cider vinegar dryness in the body, If you have hair and scalp problems, it could be a sign that your body is too alkaline. and this mild acid can help balance it out thus apple cider vinegar may help relieve itching and flaking of the scalp while stimulating the hair follicles for improved hair growth

apple cider vinegar

   So, to use apple cider vinegar dilute one part of raw apple cider vinegar into three parts of water you may add some honey and coconut oil to the solution and mix all the ingredients

  First, mix the ingredients together, then pour them into a clean spray bottle. Next, spread it all over your hair and scalp, making sure to cover your entire head with the solution. Let your hair and scalp soak in the mixture for one to two hours, then rinse off thoroughly.

 After that wash your hair with normal water and a mild shampoo you may use this remedy twice a week please note that do not apply apple cider vinegar for longer periods or in undiluted forms as this may damage your hair and scalp.

 12- Coconut milk

  The protein and essential fats in coconut promotes hair growth and prevent hair loss

Coconut milk

 So, to prepare the milk grate a medium-size coconut in a pan and simmer for 5 minutes after that strain it and cool it then add 1 tablespoon of each crushed black pepper and fenugreek seeds to the milk

  Apply this mixture onto your scalp and here after 20 minutes, you can rinse it off with a shampoo.

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