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Vitamin k2 foods sources| benefits of vitamin k1 and k2

 Vitamin K2 is a powerful vitamin and is still one of the most underrated ones.

Benefits of Vitamin K2 7

1- Reduce heart diseases

Vitamin K2 reduces the risk of dying from heart disease by up to 57 percent.

benefits of vitamin k1 and k2
Benefits of vitamin k2 7

How it actually works?

  • It reduces the narrowing of blood vessels by reducing the unnecessary calcium buildup in the artery.
  • It basically regulates the calcium deposition in our body
  • it promotes the calcification of Bones and prevents the calcification of blood vessels and kidneys.
  • we all know that calcium buildup in the arteries around our heart is a huge risk for heart disease
  • vitamin K2 reduces the calcium buildup and prevents heart disease

Study to reduce heat diseases

➡ In one study spanning 7 to 10 years people with the highest intake of vitamin K2 were 52 percent less likely to develop artery calcification and had a 57 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease.

➡ Another study of 16 000 women found that participants with the highest intake of vitamin K2 had a much lower risk of heart disease.

benefits of vitamin k1 and k2
Benefits of vitamin k2 7

For every 10 micrograms of K2 they consume per day led to a reduced risk of heart disease by nine percent and prevents the calcification of blood vessels and kidneys.
➡However, keep in mind that these were observational studies which cannot proof cause and effect still, there is a highly believable biological mechanism for its Effectiveness and strong positive correlation with heart health in observational studies.

2- Reduce the bone fracture

It can reduce bone fractures by up to 60 to 80 percent in post-menopausal women.

3- Improve bone health

As mentioned above vitamin K2 plays a central role in the metabolism of calcium is the main mineral found in your bones and teeth.

Vitamin K2 activates the calcium-binding actions of two proteins Matrix GLA protein and osteocalcin which helps to build and maintain bone that's why it significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis, especially in older women.

A three-year study in 244 postmenopausal women found that those taking vitamin K2 supplements had a much slower decrease in age-related bone mineral density. Few Japanese studies have also found that it significantly reduces the risk of bone fracture after menopause in line with these findings vitamin K supplements are officially recommended for preventing and treating osteoporosis in Japan.

4- Improve brain health

It is also very important for the brain health
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • And even migraine
But why is it underrated possibly because it is rarely present in the industrial diet and processed foods and didn't receive much mainstream attention.

5- Improve dental health

Vitamin K2 is also believed to be an essential nutrient for dental health. Several studies have been done on vitamin K2 and certain types of cancer two clinical studies suggest that vitamin K2 reduces the recurrence of liver cancer and increases survival times.

Vitamin K dose
function of vitamin k

6-Increase insulin sensitivity

Now another interesting benefit of vitamin K2 is it increases insulin sensitivity by osteocalcin metabolism which means it is beneficial for type 2 diabetes. Studies show that vitamin K2 intake reduces 7 percent of the time diabetes mellitus risk with each 10 microgram increment. It also had lipid-lowering and anti-inflammatory properties.

Deficiency of vitamin k2

Now let's see how to get the vitamin K2 we all need Vitamin K2 for overall
health Improvement. However, some people need it more than others people who are taking a broad spectrum of antibiotics for a long time can have vitamin K2 deficiency it is because gut bacteria in a large intestine produce vitamin K2 long-term use of antibiotics can wash out those good bacteria, and eventually lead to vitamin K2 deficiency People who are taking antacids for a long time or those who are on Statin medicine can also have Ketu deficiency gastrointestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome Crohn's disease ulcerative colitis is also responsible for vitamin K2 deficiency Some other conditions like menopause and pregnancy have increased the demand for vitamin K2. Now also if you are taking vitamin D3 or calcium supplement then it's better to add vitamin K2 for proper distribution and to avoid arterial calcification and unnecessary heart complications.

Vitamin k2 foods sources

Now let's talk about sources of vitamin K2. Vitamin K is fat-soluble which means low fat and lean animal products don't contain much of it there are many types of vitamin K2 but the most important types are MK4 and mk7.

Foods high in MK4

Foods high and MK4 type of vitamin K2 are:

  • Fatty meat like pork and beef
  • Animal fat like lard and talu
  • Organ Meats li a beef duck and chicken liver
  • Dairy products from grass-fed cows poultry and egg yolk

Vitamin k2 foods sources

Foods high in MK47

Vitamin K2 mk7 is found most abundantly in:

  • Fermented foods like Japanese natto
  • Sauerkraut and other fermented legumes
  • Natto is a potent source of K2 mk7 it provides around 150 micrograms per 1 tbsp which is 200 percent of your recommended daily value.
Vitamin k2 foods sources
Vitamin k2 foods sources

  • Some scientists are convinced that people at risk of heart disease should regularly use vitamin K2 supplements While others point out that most studies are needed before any solid recommendations can be made however, it's clear that vitamin K plays an essential role in body function to maintain good health make sure to get adequate amounts of vitamin K1 and K2 through your diet.
    Vitamin K dose

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